


员工是企业的命脉. And, GrOW is a unique employee benefit that embeds a Navigator at your site to support employees. A Navigator can help them cope with the daily disruptions of life outside of work, 这样他们就可以专注于工作.

Navigators become a familiar face your employees come to trust. 推荐几个体彩外围app会保密,并利用推荐几个体彩外围app对社区资源(以及您的员工福利计划)的了解,授权您的员工做出适合他们的决定.

We support your employees in life so they can meet their potential at work.


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These Companies Help Their Employees Bring Their Whole Selves to Work.



通过使用GROW导航器, 你的员工可以处理可能导致业绩和出勤问题的情况.





Personal and professional challenges can keep employees from being fully present at work. By working with a 成长导航器, employees create a plan that keeps them on the job.


According to Gartner, supportive employers see a 20% increase in the number of high performers. 优先考虑人员,生产力就会随之而来.

The GrOW program has added an entirely new dimension of service and support for Oxbow employees. 导航器是可访问的, 足智多谋,富有创造力, helping employees manage difficult life challenges in ways our HR team and managers cannot. GrOW是一个值得信赖的合作伙伴,也是一项可靠的投资.

How We Help.



On site and on demand, 成长导航器s become a familiar face in your workplace. 没有号码可打. 无需预约. 无限的支持.


导航员处理员工不太可能与雇主分享的“棘手问题”. Employees can discuss personal and work issues — confidentially and without judgement.


成长导航器s build a stronger connection between your employees, 社区的资源, 你的员工福利.


成长导航器s提供了一个灵活的工具包,可以帮助员工解决任何可能妨碍他们在工作中投入身心的问题. 其中一些(但不是全部)是:

  • 租金援助和公用事业补贴
  • 压力与心理健康
  • 人际关系和家庭责任
  • 预算和家庭开支
  • 可靠的运输
  • 负担得起照顾孩子
  • 理解和使用员工福利
  • 设定目标,养成健康的习惯
  • 教育和职业发展
  • 建立应急储蓄
  • 退休计划
  • 买房或买车



“Cammy” desperately needed help with a custody issue, and she needed help fast. If she didn’t find legal representation by the end of the week, the father of her children planned to take their children and relocate to Texas. Because she had lost custody and only had visitation rights, Cammy knew she was in for a fight. 她找到的最便宜的律师要价2美元,在他们考虑她的案子之前先付500美元.

Feeling defeated, Cammy decided to meet with the on-site Navigator. 在一次会议上, the Navigator was able to contact a Navigator-preferred attorney, 解释情况的紧迫性, set up an arrangement for Cammy to pay only a $200 retainer. Then, the attorney made a payment arrangement with Cammy that fit her budget. 在领航员和律师的帮助下, 卡米不仅阻止了搬迁, 但她现在拥有孩子们的完全监护权.



Two managers were concerned about an employee who was in a dangerous situation. They approached the Navigator because the problem was outside of their scope. 这名员工对与领航员见面犹豫不决,因为他害怕被人指指点点,或者把事情弄得更糟. However, 一旦员工坐在领航员旁边, 他们立刻知道这是一个保险箱, 一个可以公开讨论问题的保密空间. Together, 这名员工和领航员讨论了发生在她家里的暴力事件,并确定了她可以作为支持系统联系的人.

领航员打电话给妇女发展中心(WCA),并在客户准备好时为她联系到一个支持小组和法律援助. The client left with hope and a plan to create a safer environment at home. She told the Navigator, “I didn’t think this would work, but I feel so much better. This helped so much because you understand I’m not a victim, and you didn’t treat me like one.”


“Steve” was approaching the end of his lease and was unsure if he wanted to renew. He wanted a better home and neighborhood in which to raise his children. He asked the Navigator for help finding another place to rent, 但在审查了他的信用和收入之后, the Navigator asked if he had ever considered owning a home. 史蒂夫一直认为,由于他的犯罪记录和对购房过程缺乏了解,他不可能拥有自己的房子.

领航员能够教育史蒂夫关于房屋所有权的资格和责任,并给他一个好消息,他是合格的. Then, the Navigator set him up with a mortgage loan officer and a real estate agent. 他当天就联系了他们. 一个月内, 史蒂夫买下了他的第一个家, officially making him the first person in his family to own their home. 满心欢喜, 史蒂夫把他的家人搬到了新家,甚至加入了社区监督协会,以确保这个社区在未来几年保持安全.


We want to support employees to be the best version of themselves. 很多员工在工作之外都有分心和危机,这使得他们很难集中注意力和专注于工作, 然而,他们几乎没有支持系统. GrOW允许员工在保险箱里得到一对一的支持, 提供指导的保密空间, 帮助他们寻找资源, and providing that support system through life’s challenges as many times as they need. It’s an opportunity for us to help support the whole employee.   

Meet Our Team.

成长导航员帮助你的员工建立他们应对未来挑战所需的技能,并朝着他们的长期目标前进. Along the way, they know they can always come to us whenever they need assistance.



推荐几个体彩外围app通过现场个人指导和资源导航帮助员工留在工作场所并茁壮成长. GrOW为会员公司的员工提供一对一的支持服务,目的是确保员工在工作中获得所需的东西,并专注于在工作场所和个人生活中取得成功.


推荐几个体彩外围app的雇主合作伙伴通过拥有可信赖的资源直接与员工合作而获得价值. GrOW导航员是公正的,完全保密的,并有助于消除阻碍员工在精神上或身体上完全投入工作的障碍.


当地的非营利组织, 政府机构和私营企业因为GrOW导航引导员工获得适当的服务而获得价值.


Any. 如果你重视你的员工,关心他们在工作场所内外的长期成功, then adding a Navigator to your suite of workplace benefits is for you.

推荐几个体彩外围app公司有一个EAP推荐个买球的app官网. 有什么区别??

推荐几个体彩外围app的服务是EAP推荐个买球的app官网的补充, which typically focus on counseling services to address mental and emotional issues. EAP benefits are generally short-term in nature, held remotely and limit the number of sessions.

By contrast, 成长导航器s are on-site and available for as long as an employee needs or desires assistance. Thus, 成长导航器s帮助员工解决当前需求,并与员工一起实现长期稳定和增长目标. In addition, 推荐几个体彩外围app的GrOW导航器可以识别适合EAP的情况,并促进连接. 


关系和信任指导一个成功的成长领航员. Navigators have experience and receive additional training in motivational interviewing, 心理健康急救和创伤知识.

Navigators have a working knowledge of human resources and employment practices. In addition, our Navigators know and receive additional training in financial coaching. Lastly, 导航员熟悉社区资源,有能力为推荐几个体彩外围app的客户协调服务.


Navigators are trained to help employees but are not counselors or licensed therapists.


成长导航器 services are an investment you are making to develop your employees. 导航员的使命是引导人们找到应对挑战的解决方案,并赋予人们权力,而不是“修复”人们. Therefore, it should not be positioned or viewed as a service that employees utilize only in emergencies. 因为GrOW导航器是第三方, 也因为保密的承诺, 员工不太可能因为个人挑战而感到自己的职业声誉受到威胁.

How is trust handled between 成长导航器s and management or HR?

We view management and HR as partners in supporting the employees, understanding that employee confidentiality must be maintained. 推荐几个体彩外围app推荐个买球的app官网总监负责管理整个雇主关系,并通过定期会议与人力资源和管理层进行沟通.

How do employees gain total confidence about confidentiality?

GrOW导航员向员工解释,除非员工允许推荐几个体彩外围app分享信息,否则他们的谈话是保密的——唯一的例外是担心员工会伤害自己或他人. 具体细节没有透露给雇主.


There is no limit to the number of sessions an employee can have with a Navigator. In addition, 只要员工留在推荐几个体彩外围app的合作伙伴公司,他们就可以继续使用Navigator.


导航课程对所有员工开放. 推荐几个体彩外围app与雇主合作,通过各种渠道向各级员工推广该推荐个买球的app官网:新员工培训, emails, website, 公告板, etc. We also encourage employers to refer employees to the Navigator directly. 然而,员工最终是决定他们是否使用所提供的服务的决策者. 除了协助员工, 他们的家庭成员也可以使用推荐几个体彩外围app的导航员, 上一代, 向下和横向. 


经理和主管在员工的成功和成长计划融入工作场所文化方面发挥着至关重要的作用. The supervisor-employee relationship is a critical referral point for employees to a Navigator. Supervisors are often made aware of potential barriers by their employees first. By referring the employee to their Navigator for assistance, 他们通常可以在员工的工作表现受到影响之前,为他们提供所需的帮助. 

We’re a Regional Service Provider with 职业生涯的伙伴关系 of Denver, CO.

职业生涯的伙伴关系 是一个汇集企业和社区资源制定新想法和传播解决方案的全国性非营利网络吗. Across the country, more than 125,000+ employees have access to a Navigator across 29 states. 推荐几个体彩外围app有一个共同的目标,那就是通过相互支持的关系来帮助人们解决实际问题.


Chad Mares